Call for Abstract

5th Global summit on Agriculture & Organic farming, will be organized around the theme “Nurturing the Earth, Sustaining Tomorrow.”

Agriculture 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Agriculture 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Sustainable agriculture practices maintain productivity and promote environmental health, economic profitability, and social equity by using methods like crop rotation, cover cropping, and integrated pest management. These practices enhance soil health, conserve resources, and support long-term food security while reducing environmental impact.


Organic farming methods avoid synthetic inputs, using natural alternatives like compost, crop rotation, and biological pest control to maintain soil fertility and manage pests. These practices enhance biodiversity, improve soil health, and produce food without harmful chemical residues.


Agroecology integrates ecological principles into agricultural practices to enhance biodiversity, improve soil health, and promote sustainable farming systems. By fostering diverse ecosystems within agricultural landscapes, it supports natural pest control, nutrient cycling, and resilience against environmental stresses.


Climate change impacts agriculture by altering weather patterns, increasing the frequency of extreme events, and affecting crop yields. Adapting to these changes requires climate-resilient farming practices, such as developing drought-resistant crops and implementing sustainable water management strategies.

Technological innovations in agriculture, such as precision farming, drones, and IoT, enhance productivity and resource efficiency by providing real-time data and optimized farming practices. These technologies help reduce environmental impact, improve crop management, and support sustainable agricultural systems.


Soil health and management involve practices like crop rotation, organic amendments, and reduced tillage to maintain and improve soil structure, fertility, and microbial activity. These practices enhance soil's ability to retain water and nutrients, supporting sustainable crop production and ecosystem health.


Policy and regulation in agriculture involve creating frameworks and guidelines that support sustainable farming practices, organic certification, and fair trade. These policies aim to promote environmental stewardship, ensure food safety, and provide economic incentives for farmers to adopt sustainable methods.


Market trends in agriculture show a growing demand for organic and sustainably produced foods, driven by consumer awareness of health and environmental benefits. Consumer behavior increasingly favors transparency, ethical sourcing, and environmentally friendly products, influencing producers and retailers to adapt to these preferences.


Education and capacity building in agriculture focus on equipping farmers and agricultural professionals with the knowledge and skills needed for sustainable and innovative practices. This involves training programs, workshops, and resources that enhance their ability to implement effective techniques and adapt to evolving agricultural challenges.


Case studies and best practices showcase successful examples of sustainable and innovative farming approaches, providing valuable insights and lessons learned. These real-world examples help guide others by highlighting effective methods, overcoming challenges, and achieving positive outcomes in agriculture.


Food security and nutrition involve ensuring that all people have reliable access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to maintain health and well-being. Sustainable agricultural practices play a crucial role in achieving food security by increasing production efficiency, reducing food waste, and enhancing the nutritional quality of food.

Sustainable livestock management emphasizes practices that enhance animal welfare, reduce environmental impact, and improve resource efficiency, such as rotational grazing and integrated feed systems. These methods aim to maintain healthy livestock while minimizing soil degradation, water usage, and greenhouse gas emissions.


Urban agriculture involves growing food within city environments using methods like vertical farming, rooftop gardens, and community plots. It promotes local food production, reduces transportation emissions, and enhances urban food security while fostering community engagement and green space development.


Economic and social aspects of farming address the financial viability of agricultural practices and their impact on rural communities, including fair labor practices and equitable income distribution. These aspects focus on creating sustainable livelihoods for farmers while ensuring that agricultural practices contribute to social well-being and community development.


Agro-processing and value addition involve transforming raw agricultural products into finished goods or higher-value products through processing techniques. This process not only enhances the economic value of agricultural products but also creates employment opportunities and reduces post-harvest losses.


Renewable energy in agriculture includes the use of solar, wind, and bioenergy technologies to power farm operations and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Implementing these energy sources helps lower greenhouse gas emissions, cut energy costs, and support sustainable farming practices.


Water resource management in agriculture involves implementing efficient irrigation practices and water conservation techniques to optimize water use and reduce waste. Effective management ensures adequate water supply for crops, mitigates the impact of droughts, and promotes sustainable water use in farming systems.


Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) involves a direct partnership between farmers and consumers, where individuals purchase shares of a farm’s produce in advance, supporting the farm financially and receiving a regular supply of fresh, seasonal produce. This model strengthens local food systems, fosters community connections, and provides farmers with a stable income and reduced financial risk.


Agricultural education and research focus on advancing knowledge and skills in farming practices through academic programs, research initiatives, and extension services. These efforts aim to innovate agricultural techniques, improve productivity, and address challenges in sustainable agriculture, benefiting farmers and the broader agricultural community.


Agro-tourism combines agricultural activities with tourism, offering visitors experiences like farm tours, workshops, and local food tastings, while supporting rural development by generating additional income for farmers and promoting regional attractions. This approach helps preserve rural landscapes, enhances local economies, and strengthens connections between consumers and agriculture.